In May, the Wilsonites returned to a super green Groote Eylandt for a very successful jam-packed data collection trip. Lots of fun was had, and Robbie joined his flock towards the end of the trip mid-June for some much needed lab bonding.
Heather, Nat & quollies
Freeman sisters returning from the field
Kaylah meeting a new friend
First to arrive was Nat and her 1st volunteer (also her sister, Heather, also Canadian). They hit the bush quolling, already bruised from white-water rafting in Cairns (a submerged log decided to beat up tourist-Heather), they setup perv-cameras to spy on quolls chowing down on yummy-sardene-goodness, mmmmm. After 2 weeks, Kaylah was the super-sub replacing Heather as Nat’s volunteer – and did a top job at that!
Skye & Diana on prime quoll realestate
Diana & Chop setting up shop
Lab mayhem
Skye was also one of the first to step back on Groote for round 2, to help guide Diana in collecting data for her Honours thesis. They worked real hard, like migraine-inducing-hesitant-smiles Hard…..setting up first ever cognitive tests for wild quolls! And………it worked – congrats both of you, it was all worth it in the end. Not to mention Diana has now collected all her Honours data months before submission (a feat not shared many honours students!).
Local kid photography skills
Camp dog keen on some pegboard
A happy Chop
The human-testing crew also had a cracker 2nd trip for 2017, based in Angurugu again. Full days, but they came out the end with smiles on their dials & over 100 people tested. Robbie happily joined in for the last day of data collection – and experienced the common brain-oozing-out-ears symptom that comes from end-of-day testing fatigue. Well done Robbie – it was great to have you up here again bringing laughter with you always.
As usual, the time up here is not all about research – the crew did relax with a few camping trips & good meals (& bevvies). On a funny note, Chop lost his free Qantas lounge pass that he was raving about all trip……..he found it as we were flying off. Lucky.
Bird bachelor pad
Found it!